Bulletin Announcements
This Week's Announcements
Parking Lot Access
Work on the Flooding and Stormwater Mitigation project begins Tuesday, September 3rd. It is anticipated to take approximately 4 weeks, weather permitting. There will be times when access to the parking lot is limited, and from Sept 3-7 there will be no access at all, as the new drainage pipes are being laid. We will update via email and social media as the project progresses.
Homecoming Sunday
Sunday, September 8 is Homecoming Sunday. We kick off our new program year with Blessing of the Backpacks and Technology. Bring your backpacks, tablets, laptops and phone for a blessing, as the new year begins.
Sunday School resumes at 9.45 am
Education for Ministry 2024-2025
This EfM group has been an active part of Christ Church (in Short Hill)’s commitment to lifelong education and Christian formation since Fall 2000.
EfM is a 4 year program of study to which participants commit one year at a time – Old Testament (Year 1), New Testament (Year 2), Church History (Year 3) and Theology (Year 4). This is a safe, fun environment in which to deepen your experience and understanding of your own faith and religious tradition while working with others on applying it to your life experiences and challenges.
The current group meets in person on Monday evenings from 7:30 – 10:00 pm from mid-September to Memorial Day. There is a Zoom option available for those times when travel and weather make it more practical!
Several fellow St Georgians are active in this EfM chapter. If you’d like to find out more, please reach out to Anthony Zuco, Valyrie Laedlein, Magaly Roman or Anthony Errante.
Group size is required to be 6 – 12 so we are actively recruiting for the Fall 2024.
Calling all senior and empty-nesters
Are you a senior or an empty nester, looking for fun and fellowship? A new group is starting up this fall. The first gathering will be on Wednesday, September 18th at 7.00pm at Tony Bousanti’s home. Contact Tony at abousanti@verizon.net for more information.
Food pantry donations this month are for Holy Trinity Food Pantry. We will be collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste, disinfectant wipes, and toilet paper. If you purchase economy packs of toilet paper, please repackage them into two or four pack wrapped bundles for ease of transport. Drop off donations in the Narthex food barrel or inside the storage container in the vestibule off the parking lot. Questions: contact Lindsay McHugh at mchugh.lindsay@gmail.com.
Civil Discourse Training
Have you been increasingly concerned about the polarization of our country? Have you often felt ill equipped to speak with people who don’t share the same ideas or views on the world? This course is for you. Pursuing Justice and Peace starts with our ability to talk with one another respectfully even in disagreement. The training will cover tenets for civil discourse, values-based conversations, the messiness of policymaking, and the importance of maintaining a sacred space for debate. Enter confidently into constructive conversations on the important issues facing our local community, our country, and the world.
There are 5 sessions, each session lasting an hour. It will be offered in-person and online. The in-person group will meet Sundays at Noon (9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20) and the online group will meet Wednesdays at 7:30pm (9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23). Sign up to join a training group by clicking HEREVoter Engagement Work – RIGHT NOW!
To counteract attempts to purge voter rolls and assure that ALL voices are heard in this year’s election, the Justice & Advocacy Ministry (JAM) is organizing a quick-turnaround postcard writing campaign to Black voters in Georgia. We need to prepare 500 hand-written postcards for Reclaim Our Vote, to be mailed by late September. Interested in helping? Sign up – using the link – to take a packet and/or come to a postcard-writing gathering after the 10 am service on Sept 1, 8 and 15: https://bit.ly/GA-Postcards
Second Sunday Supper Church
Sunday, September 8 at 4.30 pm
Join us for Second Sunday Supper Church, on the second Sunday of every month at 4.30 pm. Inspired by the traditions of the earliest Christians, Supper Church combines an interactive service with a communal meal. For more information click HERE. Questions? Email Meg at familyministry@stgeorges-
Host a Coffee Hour
Our coffee hours are hosted by either St. George’s, a specific ministry, or by a parishioner. Are you able to host? Join with another family and host together.. It’s simple and easy to do, and guidelines on what to provide and how to set up are provided. For more information, and to sign up, click HERE or emailmofun@stgeorges-maplewood.org
1st Sunday: hosted by St. George’s and feature a cake to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. We will also have fruit available.
2nd Sunday: Sunday School families- hosted coffee hour.
3rd Sunday: Ministry-Hosted Coffee Hour
4th Sunday: Parishioner-hosted, or simple coffee hour
5th Sunday: hosted by St. George’s
Office Updates
The building is physically open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 – 3, and by appointment only on Wednesdays. Ruth works remotely Mondays and Fridays, email any queries to the office on those days.
Deadline for submission of news and article in the weekly bulletin and Snapshot is noon Wednesday.
We are always looking for photographers! Did you take any great pictures at any church events that you would like to share? Please email them to the offic