Parish Community Ministries
Fellowship at St. George's
“And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” – Acts 2:42
The joke is that Episcopalians consider coffee hour “the eighth sacrament.” That’s not literally true, but we do enjoy culture, good food and each others’ company, and we find a lot of fun ways to break bread together.
St. George’s has many enthusiastic cooks, and fellowship events include picnics, special receptions, potluck dinners, and an annual ice cream social. We also boast a lot of musical and theatrical talent, and periodically produce concerts, recitals, plays and Broadway revues.

Social Justice and Advocacy Ministry
St. George’s has a long history of working for social justice. Since its founding in 1905, the congregation has been at the forefront of the movements for civil rights, fair housing, and the rights of women and the LGBTQ+ community

Prison Ministry
Parishioners are invited to participate in ministry advocacy. Financial grants are awarded to help fund summer camperships.
Contact: Lindsay McHugh

Absalom Jones Ministry
The mission of the Absalom Jones Ministry on Black History & Culture is to celebrate within our parish the history of Americans of African descent, and to promote the knowledge of their history, culture and contributions to the foundations of American society. We encourage membership and participation by people of all races and ethnic backgrounds.
Under the Absalom Jones Ministry, many events are made possible throughout the year such as:
Black History Month – Black History Month addresses in small part the injustice of omission not only to African Americans who have a right to cherish the contributions of other African Americans in history, but to European Americans and Americans of any ethnic background, who have a right to better understand the richness of our interwoven lives.
Contact: Aleeda Crawley

Dinners for 8(ish)
As you may or may not know – Dinners for 8(ish)is a great way to meet or get to know better a small group of your fellow St. Georgians in an informal setting as you share a meal.
Dinners for Eight is open to everyone – couples, individuals, or friends who wish to cook/host together. This wonderful fellowship activity is a long-standing St. George’s tradition.
A schedule will be set which will also create the groups of eight-ish diners. You will be assigned a course to bring. You commit to four dinners that take place November through May – one meal you’ll host at your home.
Coffee Hour
Join us after worship and enjoy fellowship and a chance to catch up with friends over coffee and treats. The 8am coffee hour is held in the Mary Lounge and the 10am service coffee hour meets in the Parish Hall.
Get to know everyone !
Volunteers to help providing refreshments and food items are always welcome!

Holiday Gala
The Holiday Gala is St. George’s biggest fundraiser and social event.
Save the date and save your items! The Holiday Gala committee is collecting donations of antiques, collectibles, and gently used household and other items for our annual holiday market, which will be on Saturday, November 18th.
Please contact Ciara McElroy at 973-975-8810 if you have something to donate. Thanks!