Who We Are
All are welcome. This is a phrase one sees on Episcopal signs everywhere and we live into the spirit of those words. We really want anyone who comes to St. George’s seeking God’s presence or the fellowship of community to know they will be accepted as they are. There is no screening process or litmus test one has to take. All the categories that usually divide people are not used in that way here. We value diversity and see God’s presence in the unity of people whose overall purpose is to find God and be found by God in as many ways possible. Anyone can attend for as long as they like without being a member, and if membership is desired, there is no formal process, just a personal decision to be identified as such.
Our central form of worship is the Eucharist, that is blessing bread and wine and sharing it among each other in the mystical way Jesus taught his disciples. Our next form of hospitality is to offer anyone a share in this weekly meal regardless of denomination or faith background. We consider our altar to be God’s table where everyone has a seat and is included in the feast of love and grace.
There is normally some form of meal, snack or refreshment at all our events, services and activities. Our hospitality extends past the formal worship through fellowship and relaxed conversation.

This faith home has progressively nurtured and deepened my faith and my understanding of who “God” is for me.
Through the preaching, the ritual of the liturgy, the connection to and resources of the Diocese and National Church, meditation sessions, retreats, discussion forums, book groups, and in conversations with other members, I have continued to evolve my understanding of Scripture and to grow my spiritual core. With that has come growth in self-knowledge, discernment of who (and how) I am to be in this world, and a greater awareness of God’s presence in this world.
This church has offered me a place to practice my faith and experience the reward of being in community.
We are all on this journey of discovery together – but it requires us to keep the heat and lights on, hire clergy and staff, organize ministries and committees, balance the budget, and plan for the future. We do it together. We do it voluntarily. We do it in love. Within this intentional community of diverse individuals, we manage the functions of sustaining our church home: making choices, holding one another accountable, seeing needs and stepping up, making decisions. We make mistakes. We offend. We make amends. We heal. We practice and we experience God’s love – so that we are better able to do so in the world at large.
The community of St. George’s has provided me with gifts of fellowship and friendship that support me and sustain me and give me great joy.
We are young and old; gay and straight; black and white and brown; with children and without; sometimes healthy and sometimes not – and we are committed to knowing one another, caring for one another, and celebrating life together. We break bread together. We learn about each other’s lives and families and struggles. And we form friendships that span the years. These friendships are not the reason I sought out this faith community, but they are a wonderful testament to the joy that God’s love has introduced into my life.