Vestry Notes
Notes from our Vestry Meetings
June 18, 2024 VESTRY NOTES
Rev. Grant opened the meeting with each member offering up where we have seen God over the past program year. Treasurer Neil Marks presented the May Finance Report noting that pledge income is continuing to be on track but expected to plateau during the summer months One of our regular users who got behind in payment has caught up. Utilities are tracking slightly over budget but is expected to balance out over the summer months. Dan Mitchell noted the following Capital Projects update:
- Roofing Repair Project completed and final invoice has been processed.
- Stormwater Mitigation Project drawings are being completed and expected to be going out to bid to 4 contractors by end of June.
- A kick-off meeting with the Kitchen Renovation Project architect to develop a design cost proposal was held.
The Holiday Gala, typically in November, will be postponed due to the anticipated kitchen renovation project and are discerning alternative fundraising opportunities. Dan Boylan noted that child/ adult AED and CPR training will occur in July and August. A Fire Drill trial run will occur over the summer. Aleeda Crawley noted the poor participation in the on-line census with only 17 parishioners with renewed reminders over the summer. Vestry members will be working with ministry leaders to develop simple guides outlining the procedures to support transitions for the next leadership. Glen Hoffs noted that we are 2 families shy to serve as composting hosts and the deadline was extended to end of July. Catherine Hines reported that Second Sunday Supper Church has 4-5 regularly attending families with two new families attending the June service. The meeting adjourned for a pot-luck dinner with vestry families and staff to mark the end of the program year.
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