St. George's Announces New Rector
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The Vestry of St. George’s Episcopal Church is pleased to announce that they have called the Rev. Robert Grant Mansfield to be the 8th Rector of St. George’s
Dear Siblings in Christ,
I am honored to be called as your 8th Rector at St. George’s and am truly excited to see how the Holy Sprit will move among us in our new ministry together in Maplewood! I applaud the work of the search committee and Vestry, and offer my thanks for your faithful leadership during this time of transition and for the prayerful nature with which you have gone about your ministry. Your faithfulness testifies to the promise we receive from Jesus that God never leaves us and is faithful to those who trust in God. Through this time of transition, St. George’s has grown stronger, more faithful, and more aware of where God is at work. For these blessings, we praise God!
Throughout the discernment process, I heard much about your hopes and dreams for the future: engaging deeper relationship with the local community, growing a robust formation ministry for families, celebrating and expanding St. George’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, and strengthening the prophetic voice of justice and love that makes St. George’s vital to the world. These are big, beautiful, powerful, life changing dreams! These dreams are a testament to who St. George’s is already- it reveals your faithfulness in following God’s call to ministry in the past, honors the life-giving ministry you do now, and highlights your courage and trust in God going forward as you dream beyond who you are currently in order to become the St. George’s God is calling you to be in the future; I am humbled to be called to walk alongside you into that new future and excited to see the new fruits that the Spirit will bring forth!
I look forward to beginning our ministry together on Feb. 24th and for the wonderful, Spirit-led adventures we will have together!
Rev. Grant